Ep. 41: Geoff Tomlinson - Why Men Need To Talk To Other Men

“When your fathers no longer there for you, you need other men to pick up that baton. Because you need ‘fathering’ right ‘till you die.”

Social isolation has always been a problem but the recent lockdowns have made matters worse. This can be more of a problem among men since men tend to keep their feelings to themselves. The result is that he becomes emotional and goes into his head. But when a man starts being driven by his emotions, he can become dangerous to himself and others. On the other hand, a man with healthy relationships with other men is more likely to have a sense of purpose, which keeps him out of his head and focused on being his best self.

Geoff is a senior consultant with Investors Group Financial Services. Click here to request an appointment with him to get advice for all your wealth management needs.

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Past Episodes


Ep. 42: Colt Charlebois - Why Faith & Brotherhood Go Hand-In-Hand


Ep. 40: Rob Arpa - Marriage - Red Flags & Green Flags