The Sovereign Circle

Every man needs men in his life that he can count on, that have his back, and that will tell him the truth.

Do you have men like that in your life? I don’t mean ‘the boys’ you go to a ballgame with and have superficial conversations with. I mean men. The kind that’ll come and get you out of a foreign jail cell at 3 AM. The kind that are always a yes when you need help with the big issues in your life.

The Sovereign Circle is a brotherhood of men who are all about becoming better men, and leveraging the power of peer-to-peer learning to achieve more results in all the areas of life that are important to you: health, fitness, success, relationships, self-defence, survival skills, and man skills.

Every month, there will be a theme that we in the Sovereign Circle will focus on to help you become better, and every two weeks you will meet with the men in your Circle to give you the fire and the accountability to get more done and get closer to being the best version of yourself. 

Monthly Subscription - $100/month (plus tax)

Yearly Subscription - $1000/yearly (plus tax)

What the Sovereign Circle Gives You

  • Bi-Weekly Virtual Sessions

    Two Fridays a month, you’ll have the opportunity to join us on our bi-weekly virtual call to discuss the topic of the month.

  • Exclusive Closed Network

    Access to our exclusive closed network for ideas, suggestions, insights, and strategies to help you succeed.

  • 75-Day Battle Plan

    A powerful program designed to help you identify key objectives in your life and the strategies and tactics to get you there.

  • Men’s Teams

    A team of 12 men who will have your back & hold you accountable to the objectives, strategies and tactics you’ve identified.

  • Exclusive Q & A

    You’ll have the opportunity to participate in live Q & A Sessions on any topic important to you as a man.

  • Daily Challenges

    Each week, you’ll be challenged to step outside your comfort zone and complete tasks in areas of life that are important to you, in order to accomplish more in your life.

  • Assignments

    Every month you will be given a new assignment designed to get you thinking and acting differently about a key area of your life.

  • Book Club

    Each month you’ll have the opportunity to participate in our monthly book club coordinated with our topic of the month

  • Swag

    By becoming a member of The Sovereign Circle you will have access to exclusive Sovereign Circle gear and merchandise.