EP184: Steve Richmond - Why Gentle Parenting Sucks! 

“Gentle parenting is this new age thing where parents try to be friends with their children as opposed to being parents. And some of them have this mix of a little bit of trying to be the parent and the friend, which is a little bit confusing to children because they don’t know who’s who at different times.” 

For decades, parenting has drifted toward a softer, more “gentle” approach, where discipline is frowned upon, and kids are treated more like emotional equals than growing humans who need guidance. While the intent may be noble, the reality is that structure, discipline, and even a little rough-and-tumble play are essential for developing strong, capable adults. The problem isn’t just that kids lack discipline; it’s that they lack clarity. When fathers fail to step into their role as leaders and instead play the role of “buddy,” they leave their children without the critical framework needed to navigate the real world. Parenting is about preparing, not pampering. 

Steve Richmond pulls no punches when discussing the long-term consequences of today’s parenting trends. He challenges the modern obsession with self-esteem over self-worth and participation trophies over earned victories. He highlights the importance of setting clear boundaries, letting boys test their limits, and ensuring that fathers actually parent instead of playing support act to their children’s whims. He makes the case that without strong father figures enforcing discipline and structure, we’re raising a generation that will struggle with confidence, responsibility, and resilience. 

Steve Richmond is a seasoned expert in fatherhood, personal development, and masculinity. With years of experience coaching men and helping families find balance, he believes in reclaiming the lost art of fatherhood. His work focuses on helping men step back into their roles as leaders in their households, instilling discipline, responsibility, and a healthy respect for life’s hard-earned lessons. 

Books Mentioned: 

1. “The Boy Crisis” by Dr. Warren Farrell 


2. “The Road Less Travelled” by M. Scott Peck 


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Past Episodes


EP185: Paul Bauer - How To get her To F*ck You Again 


EP183 - How Bad Do You Want It? | Steve Taylor