The Sovereign Man Podcast
Welcome to the Sovereign Man Podcast, where we have the conversations that matter to you as a man, and inspire you to become the best version of yourself. You’ll learn from the best business, career, financial, relationship, and mans skills experts from around the world.
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EP97: Greg Medford - Why Men Need To Stand Up To Evil
“It’s not simple, freedom is not simple and it’s not given to you. If it’s given to you it’s not freedom. You gotta take it.”
EP96: Billou & Arpa - The 3 Reasons Men Engage In A Masculine Relationship With Other Men
“The source of your power as a man is masculine relationships with other men.”
EP95: Ryan Michler - Why Men Need Other Men To Grow & Heal Their Pain
“I’m a grown-ass man. So at some point we need to let go of the excuses like, ‘Oh, my father wasn’t around…’ Well, how long are you going to lean on your father not being around for you to not be a man. At some point that excuse expires.”
EP94: Patrick Francey - Be The Change You Want To See In Your World
“Confidence is rarely owned. It’s almost always borrowed.”
“You need to take a stand. If you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything.”
EP93: Lt. Col. David Grossman - Violence Is Exploding - Why A Man Needs To Learn Trauma Care
“One casualty is one too many, every life is precious. We’re preserving and protecting lives like nothing we’ve ever seen before. But now we have to apply those lessons to our loved ones and to ourselves in these desperately and astoundingly violent times.”
EP92: Lt Colonel Dave Grossman - Learn How To Become A Good, Dangerous Man
“Giving someone a weapon implies your trust in the maturity and responsible behaviour of the recipient. It speaks of your desire for their safety and well being. It communicates your mutual aspiration to make the world a better and safer place, by putting this tool in the hands of a virtuous and trustworthy person. But remember, in the end, you are the weapon. Everything else is just a tool.” - Paraphrased from a quote by Rocky Warren
EP91: Michael Butler - The Single Father's Guide To Surviving Your Divorce
“Get yourself healthy first, grab the oxygen mask. Get some men in your life. Stop the financial bleeding… It’s going to take a while to recover so think smart, think like a business owner but the main thing is heal yourself first so you don’t repeat the patterns.”
EP90: Geoff Tomlinson - Why A Man Needs To Be Part Of A Brotherhood Of Men
“Attempting to walk the world as a man of honour and integrity will come out for you multiple times when the shit hits the fan and it will always give you confidence. But it will also give you a fallback, default way of being when the world is trying to knock you off of your foundation. That’s a foundation that you can’t knock a man off of if he’s determined to stay on it.”
EP89: Steve Richmond - Giving vs. Getting
“It’s not the fear of failing that really scares us, it’s the fear of success. Because once you get success you have to maintain success.”
EP88: Shaun Thompson - How To Correctly Father Your Daughters
“I took all the uncomfortable slander from my wife's friends, from my daughter's friends. And I never wavered. And there's something in doing that, that even if they're repelled because society is leaning that pressure on them, they respect it. And once you have someone's respect, you don't need anything else. I don't need approval.”
EP87: Joey Yochheim - How To Unf**k Your Life
“Pull power away from the individual, you pull power away from a nation.”
EP86: Billou & Arpa - The Great Patriot BUY-cott
“If you don’t agree with what’s going on in society, you need a blueprint for how to do something about it and this book provides that blueprint.”
EP85: Billou & Arpa - Why You Should Make Decisions Logically & Not Emotionally
“What we’re saying is, you can’t base your decision making on your feelings. Your feelings have nothing to do with anything. Nothing to do with anything. What matters is, what does logic dictate in this situation.”
EP84: Billou & Arpa - Why A Man Should Not Hold A Grudge
“You’ve got men in trenches. And you need a man to be able to jump out of the trench and run at the other one at a moments notice, without question, fighting for what’s right. And you can’t have that when we’re all stuck in victim blaming and the feminine quality.”
EP82: Arpa & Billou - What Is A High Value Man? What Is Not A High Value Man?
“Being successful, being rich, being fit, being ripped, and having women desire you… those aren’t necessarily bad things. But do they make you a ‘high value man? My answer to that is absolutely not.”